Sex & Mischief Enchanted Flogger


Softly seduce your lover before you give a luscious lashing with this Enchanted Flogger from Sportsheets. Crimson velveteen tails cascade delicately onto your lovers tepid flesh, gradually bringing their senses to the surface. Lulled yet titialted, their breath bated and eyes obscured beneath a silken blindfold, you feel their nervous anticipation silently begging for more. A moment of silence ensues, followed by a satisfying swish as falls fly fiendishly onto flushed flesh. An irresistible moan of surprise escapes their lips and a full body twitch lets you know they're ready for another lash. The sturdy handle and wrist loop give you a dependable grip for intense encounters. Materials: acrylic, polypropylene, PVC. Measurements: 13” flogger witn 9” falls.

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